
Friday Apr 26, 2019
Friday Apr 26, 2019
Earth Centered Therapy for Modern Day Growth and Healing
Andrea Bell, LCSW joins the EatMoveLive52 Podcast to talk about how nature, even in the midst of an urban environment, can promote healthy personal growth and a healthier planet!
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About Andrea Bell, Ecotherapy, and Somaticwise
About Andrea Bell, LCSW
The primary focus of Adrea's therapy practice is the treatment of trauma and its aftereffects. Along with Somatic Experiencing, she ncorporates aspects of other therapeutic modalities, including humanistic, behavioral and psychodynamic approaches.
Andrea is also an ecotherapist, which means that she supports healing the relationship between nature and humans. She helps people access and experience their love for nature, and how nature supports self-regulation (and feeling good!). She also support people in moving through the grief and pain of eco-anxiety, including engaging in giving back to nature.
Andrea serves as an Assistant for the Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute, where she organizes and helps teach SE to clinicians at SE trainings in Los Angeles, Orange County, and internationally.
Topics with Andrea Bell
- You are an MFT (Marriage and Family Therapist) and SEP (Somatic Experiencing Practitioner), how did you become interested in eco-therapy? Are there any defining experiences, say from your childhood that you think prepared you for this path?
- Can you share with our listeners what ecotherapy and ecopsychology are? Who practices them and where are their roots? Does eco-therapy involve just being in nature or gardening or conservation?
- What are the benefits of being in nature? Short term and long term? Both physical and psycho-emotional?
- Can you speak a bit about eco-anxiety? Why do people often choose to do nothing to help the environment?
- When we do our part to clean up the environment, how does that help us feel better and impact our health?
- What does a typical eco-therapy experience look like and feel like? What have you noticed in yourself and others as a result of the practice?
- If you live in a city, what is the best thing to do to support your health? Will a park do? Or do you have to drive farther so you can be away from noise and pollution?
- To enjoy the benefits of eco-therapy do you have to be alone, or can you be in a larger group? Do we gain or lose something by being alone or in a group?
- What activities can people do for the Earth that have the biggest impact on their wellbeing? Roland shares that daily recycling really blends in, while the city clean-up makes him feel great.
- If people want to know more about you and what you do, where can they find you and what resources do you recommend for the eco-curious?
Andrea Bell, Ecotherapy, and Somaticwise Links and Resources
Find out more about Andrea.
Andrea's Email - Andrea (at) SomaticWise (dot) net
Watch Andrea's "Urban Biodiversity Oasis" on YouTube
Recommended Ecotherapy Book
Ecotherapy: Healing with Nature in Mind, by Linda Buzzell and Craig Chalquist
Listen to Andy Fisher talk Ecopsychology
This conversation is a wide-ranging exploration of the new field of ecopsychology. It includes discussions of how the lived body and Buddhist psychology figure in this field, as well as the radical implications of reconnecting our minds to nature.
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Our podcast theme music is "Protofunk" by Kevin MacLeod of incompetech.com. Licensed under Creative Commons 3.0.
Talk soon,
Roland & Galina

Friday Mar 22, 2019
Restorative Breathing with Lois Laynee
Friday Mar 22, 2019
Friday Mar 22, 2019
Lois Laynee joins the EatMoveLive52 Podcast tell you how Restorative Breathing can help you think more clearly, and live a better, healthier life
"You should never have to think to breathe. Breathing should give you the ability to think"
- Lois Laynee
We all breathe
...all day long, day in and day out, and Lois Laynee's goal is to help you get the most out of your life, through optimal breathing.
It's not a method of breathing, but a way of neuro sequencing your brain so that you automatically breathe efficiently, easily, and effortlessly.
"If you're breathing with your mouth open, your body is working one hundred times harder for every molecule of oxygen than it needs to." - Lois Laynee
Ready to learn more? Let's get started...
About Lois Laynee and Restorative Breathing
Lois Laynee is a dynamic pioneer and passionate lecturer in the fields of Education, Sleep, Scar Release Healing, Cranio Facial Neurodevelopment, and much more.
In addition to heading the Laynee Restorative Breathing Method™, Lois is also the CEO of AZ Sleep Apnea Center PLLC; a speaker and educator of oxygen wellness and the creator of the Laynee Restorative Breathing Method™.
By combining her decades of clinical experience, with the Laynee Restorative Breathing Method™, she offers support for clients at all stages of life.
Laynee Restorative Breathing Method™
The Laynee Restorative Breathing Method™ was developed to generate a natural pure energy source to help you have a healthier and more fulfilled life, regardless of your age or gender.
Think of the life-improving possibilities that are within your reach with just four easy movements.
Our mission is to share information and support each person at every stage of life to breathe, sleep, move and thrive, through the philosophy and physiology of Restorative Breathing!
Topics and Questions for Lois
1. How did you become interested in the field of breathing? Where did the idea for Restoring Breathing come from – and why did you call it Restoring?
2. You teach from a multidisciplinary approach. Which common fields would you say meet in the science and practice of what you teach?
3. It seems like understanding breathing should be foundational, yet the medical field seems to not necessarily have a track for addressing it outside of the clearly defined ENT and pulmonology fields. And unless they find pathology – you are told you are ok. Why do you think that is?
4. In the world of health and wellness, breathing is usually addressed from the perspective of “calming down” or “regulating” yourself? What is being missed here? What else should people know?
5. What should everyone know about functional breathing and breathing competencies?
6. If someone was to look for symptoms of breathing challenges – what would we look for?
7. What is your advice for people who snore? Both children and adults?
8. What’s the role of early development in breathing?
9. How is breathing related to mental health, anxiety, eating disorders, etc? Do you see a correlation in your clinic?
10. If someone was to shift just one component of their breathing – say nasal breathing or silent breathing – where should they start?
11. You are available for consults online and also in workshops and seminars, and online events. What’s the best way for people to connect with you and what can they expect?
Free Video Lesson by Lois and Galina
10 Simple Steps To Better Breathing
Lois Laynee and Restorative Breathing Links and Resources
Find out more about Lois, and how she can help you through Restorative Breathing.
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Our podcast theme music is "Protofunk" by Kevin MacLeod of incompetech.com. Licensed under Creative Commons 3.0.
Talk soon,
Roland & Galina

Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Mr Mole Goes To Sleep with Dr Mike and Jodie Nelson
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Our friends Dr. Mike T Nelson and Jodie Fabulous Nelson are a perfect example of 'opposites attract.'
And their own Mr. Mole is an example of a perfect way to teach your kids about that thing that they never want to do... SLEEP!
“Mr. Mole is a scientist who reads research for fun . . .”
This is a line from the original children’s book authored by Dr. Mike Nelson, Jodie Nelson, and illustrated by the children and child-like people in their family.
- Mr. Mole
Let's get started...
About Dr. Mike T. Nelson and Jodie Fabulous Nelson
Dr. Mike T Nelson and Jodie Fabulous Nelson are a perfect example of opposites attract.
Dr. Mike T. Nelson, PhD, MSME, CSCS, CISSN, is a research fanatic who specializes in metabolic flexibility and heart rate variability, as well as an online trainer, adjunct professor, faculty member at the Carrick Institute, presenter, creator of the Flex Diet Cert, kiteboarder, and (somewhat incongruously) heavy-metal enthusiast.
The techniques he's developed, and the results Mike gets for his clients have been featured in international magazines, in scientific publications, and on websites across the globe.
In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his wife, lifting odd objects, reading research, and kiteboarding as much as possible.
Jodie Nelson has a bachelors degree in both Secondary English Education and Communication. And since she loves words so much, she went back to school to get a masters in communication.
A published author, lover of dance and theater, Jodie experiences everything as a Broadway musical.
The Mr. Mole Book project was a culmination of combined Mike and Jodie superpowers --- brash unfiltered creativity marries sciencey research.
Mr. Mole Goes to Sleep
Who is Mr. Mole?
Mr. Mole is a character is based on Dr. Mike’s love for the acquisition and practical application of science to fitness and life.
The Mr. Mole character actually is Dr. Mike because he also reads medical research for fun!
Each article Mr. Mole reads leads him into a research rabbit hole. He happily shares his geeky findings with friends like you, which is why you'll see Mr. Mole sprinkled throughout Dr. Mike's website.
Seeing Mr. Mole means there’s more in-depth discussion to be had about that particular topic or that there are more sciencey references attached.
From co-author Jodie Fabulous Nelson
Mr. Mole started as a funny saying between Mike and me.
He liked to turn off all the lights as it got closer to bedtime. Me? I can’t see very well in the dark. So, I always turn lights on in each room as the sun starts to go down.
I one night, as Mike left his desk from a long session of research rabbit-holing, he came around the corner squinting into my brightly lit room. I said, “Hey there, Mr. Mole. How’s it going?”
That little exchange started a funny conversation every time I would find him huddled in the dark researching at his desk as I came in to switch the lights on.
After one of these nights, one of us brought up the idea to write a children’s’ book about Mr. Mole going to bed. And then the idea got bigger.
“What if we write a children’s’ book about healthy sleep habits that adults will read to their children?”
The action steps would be simple enough for a child, yet probably things that many adults haven’t incorporated into their sleep and bedtime ritual.
This is how Mr. Mole was born and he’s evolved so much since then. It’s going to be a wonderful book for everyone. We can’t wait to share it with you!
Want Mr. Mole in YOUR Home?
Mr. Mole Goes to Sleep is currently available in paperback at MrMoleBook.com
Your kids will love it, but be careful, you might learn something, too!
Mr. Mole Book and all the Nelson Links!

Additional Sleep Resources
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Our podcast theme music is "Protofunk" by Kevin MacLeod of incompetech.com. Licensed under Creative Commons 3.0.
Talk soon,
Roland & Galina

Friday Sep 28, 2018
Movement as Medicine with Galina Denzel and Michelle Bouvier
Friday Sep 28, 2018
Friday Sep 28, 2018
You might already be taking care of your nutrition and food, but isn't it time to look at your 'movement nutrition,' as well?
Read the rest of this entry »
Wednesday Sep 12, 2018
Self-Care Matters with K. Aleisha Fetters
Wednesday Sep 12, 2018
Wednesday Sep 12, 2018
Our friend, author, health writer, and personal trainer Aleisha Fetters joins us to talk about self-care, how it started, how its perception has changed over time, and why it matters!
“Self-care, learning how to identify your own needs and then address them, is complicated. And, for each person, it looks different.
For me, self-care is about recognizing the behaviors, thoughts, and habits that signal my depression and/or anxiety are rising--or that I'm not using the tools in my toolboxes to address them, and instead am falling into unhealthy and counterproductive coping habits.
It is about recognizing what steps are important for me in times like that, and prioritizing myself. It's about valuing my own health and wellbeing as I would anyone else's. “
- K. Aleisha Fetters
Let's get started...
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About K. Aleisha Fetters, M.S. C.S.C.S.
Aleisha is an internationally syndicated fitness writer and strength coach.
Aleisha has a master’s degree in new media from the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University, where she concentrated in health and science reporting. There, she also completed undergraduate work in magazine journalism and gender studies.
As a certified strength and conditioning specialist through the NSCA, Aleisha uses her background in research, writing, and gender issues to help people empower themselves through smart strength training.
She coaches online and in-person at HiFi Fitness and Symmetry in Chicago, and apart from SELF, contributes to publications including TIME, Women’s Health, Men’s Health, Runner’s World, SHAPE, U.S. News & World Report, STACK, Born Fitness, Vice, Furthermore from Equinox, and Girls Gone Strong.
She is the co-author of The Woman’s Guide to Strength Training.
She can usually be spotted in workout clothes and/or eating.
Self-Care Matters with K. Aleisha Fetters
Self-Care History
You’ve been a writer for quite a while now. When did you first start hearing about self-care in the media? What do you feel was the social climate at the time?
Why do you think the wellness field was so dominated by nutrition and exercise and how we look and just recently catching up with our mental and emotional health? Did more of us start reaching a burn out point?
Where to start?
If someone is brand new to the idea of self-care, what do you feel is a good place to start? What ideas and steps were foundational for you?
Learning how to recognize and honor your needs, and building healthy boundaries seems to be hard for many of us. How have you navigated through these challenges yourself?
How do you help your clients and readers navigate these challenges?
Self-Care in the Media
Without oversimplifying the social, political, economic and personal aspects of self-care, where do you feel that the media has done a great job of encouraging self-care?
Where have they missed the mark?
How are the self-care market and industry a part of the dark side of this?
Knowing when to start, and avoiding the traps
What are some of the common symptoms and signs that you see in yourself and clients that point to the need for self-care?
How can we avoid the trap of self-care becoming one more thing we need to check off our endless lists?
What about body positivity?
One of our listeners asked how one can be more body-positive or body-kind.
She shared she is terrified of going to the beach with people she doesn’t know well, for fear of being judged and rejected.
How does one accept their body when the media is constantly pouring out messages that we need to be thin or look a certain way. How can we start to accept our bodies the way we are?
I (Galina) personally practice very careful media hygiene – I have curated my social media feeds and the media I consume carefully to include body-positive role models and exclude images that make me spin down a cycle of self-rejection and self-objectification.
What advice do you have for her?
How has self-care progressed and changed?
Self-care may have started as a medical necessity, moved through the stage of civil rights and female rights movement, but now it seems like it’s addressing more than just specific groups – it matters to everyone.
Where do you see self-care as a way to connect to our communities and the world?
Thank you, Aleisha, for joining us on EatMoveLive52 Podcast!
K. Aleisha Fetters and all the links!
Galina on Claiming Your Personal Health Space
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Our podcast theme music is "Protofunk" by Kevin MacLeod of incompetech.com. Licensed under Creative Commons 3.0.
Talk soon,
Roland & Galina

Friday Jun 29, 2018
Be Focused with Lyn Christian
Friday Jun 29, 2018
Friday Jun 29, 2018
Time management. Todo lists. Still trouble getting things done?
Lyn Christian joins us to talk about FOCUS management, instead!
Lyn Christian is the founder of SoulSalt, and is a Master Certified Life and Business Coach based in Utah, but with clients around the world. Lyn and SoulSalt support entrepreneurs, revolutionaries, and anyone else who wants to be a badass in their craft or career!
Let's get started...
About Lyn
Lyn Christian is a visual thinker, a connector-of-dots, the channel who hands you the very words you need when you need to hear them. She challenges her clients to escape mediocrity and be more strong, focused and true.
In addition to certifying in Conversational Intelligence®, Lyn holds the Gold Standard in coaching - M.C.C. designation (Master Certified Coach from the International Coach Federation). Coaching since 1998, she is certified in Marshall Goldsmith’s elite Stakeholder Centered Coaching, is a Franklin Covey Certified Coach and Certified mBIT Coach (Multiple Brain Integration).
Lyn is the former Director of Innovation at Franklin Covey Coaching and former ambassador for the WABC (World Association for Business Coaches). She currently contributes to the WWC (World-Wide Coaching e-zine published out of Amsterdam). She also co-produces the What’s Your Conversational Intelligence® Podcast with Judith E. Glaser.
Lyn’s experience and expertise take her to a diverse population in a variety of industries across the globe. No matter if she’s coaching a small business owner or celebrity, a CEO or a stay-at-home mom, her edgy yet balanced approach is stimulating, creative and inspiring.
Be Focused, with Lyn Christian
Topics Discussed
- Being intentional with your time.
- Clearing space for your day.
- Being busy vs getting things done.
- Why a todo list isn't always the best way to get stuff done.
- Sticky notes vs todo lists - engage the visual center of your brain.
- Thought maps and mind maps.
- Is that a rock in your pocket or are you just trying to remember something?
- Contextual clues and mental bookmarks.
- My Most Productive Week Ever and the "Today and Not Today PDF" - Article Link
- Creating your own focus management system - one size does not fit all.
- How time can get away from you (and me and also Galina).
- We mention dopamine again, of course. We always do.
- Multitasking - You're kidding yourself if you think it's working.
- Multitasking can cause a 24% loss of productivity. Do you have 24% time to spare? I don't.
- No, multitasking doesn't work, but if you want to do it anyway, here's when it does work, even though it really doesn't.
Lyn Christian and SoulSalt Links
Be Focused Program
$50 off for EatMoveLive52 Listeners, using coupon code EML50
SoulSalt’s unique Be Focused program teaches you how to Be Focused and master time management in a comprehensive course with step-by-step strategies and tactics to take control of your life, thus leading to a happier, more fulfilled life. By taking this course you will:
- Lead a happier, more fulfilled life
- Discover the things that you spend time on that you don’t need to
- Focus on those things that have the most value
- Unlock your keys to success
Find out more and get $50 off Be Focused with coupon code EML50
Lyn and SoulSalt Links and Social Media
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Our podcast theme music is "Protofunk" by Kevin MacLeod of incompetech.com. Licensed under Creative Commons 3.0.
Talk soon,
Roland & Galina

Wednesday May 16, 2018
Michael Bunker - Plain, but not simple
Wednesday May 16, 2018
Wednesday May 16, 2018
You've heard of living off grid? Well Michael Bunker lives OFF off-grid!
A deliberate life, pre-industral living, fermented foods, REAL bacon!
Michael Bunker - Plain, but not simple.
I actually listened to the whole show again last night because Michael was so much fun and inspirational!
Michael Bunker is a plain, beyond-off-grid farmer and author of both fiction and non-fiction.
He's a farmer, a father, and a husband, not in that particular order, but everything he does, he does deliberately, all the while living off off-grid!
We had a great talk about real food, pre-industrial food preparation and storage methods, fermented foods, and the differences in taste and quality between real bacon and that stuff sold as bacon in your local store!
Those things are fun and important, but there was also an underlying, important theme of simplicity and being deliberate about how to live life.
We - as a society - talk about how crazy life is these days. It's a theme that's so up front and in your face that you can no longer claim it's 'underlying.' Life. Is. Crazy.
So, listen in as Galina and I talk with Michael about being more deliberate. How you can use the concept yourself to highlight and honor what's important in your life, that of your family, and of your friends.
What's up in this episode
Michael Bunker lives like an 18th century, pre-industrial farmer would, for 15 years now!
Before homesteading, prepping, and and much of the internet was available for help.
When a $5 tomato is totally worth it
Fermented foods
Soil based organisms
Cured meat - real cured meat vs flavored, processed meat
Real bacon vs store-bought bacon
Growing high allicin garlic
How living a deliberate life can show you what's truly valuable (and important)
Somm - Documentary on wine
Books mentioned
- Henry and the Great Society, H. L. Roush
- Wild Fermentation, Felix Sandor Katz
- Beyond Off Off-Grid, Michael Bunker, non-fiction, why, and how-to live off-grid and beyond
- The Last Pilgrims, Michael Bunker, fiction, imagining a life, and surviving, without modern amenities
- Pennsylvania, Michael Bunker, science fiction, and currently optioned for film!
Michael Bunker Links
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Our podcast theme music is "Protofunk" by Kevin MacLeod of incompetech.com. Licensed under Creative Commons 3.0.
Talk soon,
Roland & Galina

Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
Free The Belly with Barbara Loomis
Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
Pain in the belly can be more than food intolerances or illness. Trauma, scars, and even a life of relative inactivity can lead to discomfort, constipation, and a variety of symptoms throughout the body.
The more we learn about the gut, and the role it plays in our nervous system, the more we see the value in taking care of it, gently and lovingly.
On this episode of the EatMoveLive52 Podcast, our friend Barbara Loomis joins us to talk about the belly, surgery scars, emotions, and how you can start to heal.
Free the Belly with Barbara Loomis
Barbara Loomis specializes in several forms of abdominal therapies with over 20 years of experience in the healing arts field. She is a practitioner of Visceral Manipulation as well as a practitioner and educator of the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy and Chi Nei Tsang (Chinese abdominal therapy).
To learn more about her online courses visit nurturance.net.
Note - We love and have taken Barbara's course, and when you purchase through our link we make a small affiliate commission with no extra cost to you.
What's up in this episode
- Barbara's Free the Belly Course
- Digestive distress, common belly pains, aches, and problems
- The role of movement and manual therapy in belly care
- How movement and massage can positively effect the gut, digestion, bowel movements
- SIBO and IBS, supplements and medicine
- Skinny jeans and the sedentary lifestyle strike again
- Tiny bladder syndrome
- Liquor stores, Grandma's smokes, and VH1
- Phones, stress, and belly problems
- Loving care for your body and your belly
- Self massage and gentle practitioners
- It's all connected (but you know that, right?)
- The role of medicine and nutrition in belly and gut care
- Patience and time
- Barbara's Free the Belly Course
- Who the Free the Belly Course is for
Check out Barbara's great course right here.
Interested in working with Barbara in person or online? You can find her at nurturance.net.
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Our podcast theme music is "Protofunk" by Kevin MacLeod of incompetech.com. Licensed under Creative Commons 3.0.
Talk soon,
Roland and Galina

Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
Roland & Galina - Q&A and Your Personal Health Planner
Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
Roland & Galina sit down to talk books, Q&A, and why the Personal Health Planner is the key to YOUR health success.
Roland & Galina - Q&A and Your Personal Health Planner
Galina and Roland. Alone.
Roland & Galina sit down (stand up, actually) to talk books, Q&A, and why the Personal Health Planner is the key to YOUR health success.
What's up in this episode
- The best book review, ever - Adam lost 12 pounds by reading just the first 44 pages! ;) Imagine what will happen when he finishes the book!
- Question - "I start off strong, but after a few weeks I lose steam and end up quitting. What can I do?"
- Question - "I have issues with addiction. I've got the drugs and alcohol under control, but I still have issues with sweets and comfort foods when I'm feeling lonely."
- Personal Health Planner time! If you haven't watched Galina's free lesson on setting personal health goals and setting yourself up for success, now is the time!
- Review Eat Well, Move Well, Live Well here!
Links and Resources
Emotional Eating Podcast Episode, including Galina's three techniques to stop an emotional eating episode in its tracks!
Your FREE Personal Health Planner
Review Eat Well, Move Well, Live Well here!
Join our free Facebook Group NOW!
Somatic and Developmental Trauma Resources and Practitioners
NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM)
Integral Somatic Psychotherapy
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Our podcast theme music is "Protofunk" by Kevin MacLeod of incompetech.com. Licensed under Creative Commons 3.0.
Talk soon,
Roland & Galina
PS. Don't forget to try your Personal Health Planner!

Monday Dec 18, 2017
Healthy Brain with Doctor and Chef Annie Fenn
Monday Dec 18, 2017
Monday Dec 18, 2017
With Alzheimer's Disease and other cognitive conditions on the rise, it's never been more important to take care of your brain.
We talk to Chef AND Doctor Annie Fenn on the role nutrition plays in the health of your body's most important organ - your brain!
Healthy Brain with Chef Annie Fenn, MD
Brain Works Kitchen with Annie Fenn. Dinner for Dr. Martha Stearn's cognitive health class. St John's Medical Center. CREDIT: David J Swift
Chef Annie Fenn, MD is an OBGYN who took the leap into teaching healthy cooking for her local community and patients. Now she's taking her very important message to the world - What you eat might be the most important decision when it comes to brain health!
We met Annie at Move for Minds - The Women's Alzheimer's Movement event in Irvine, California, and were taken in by her spirit and drive to support such an important cause. We invited her onto our show, and had a wonderful time with her talking everything brain health.
What's up in this episode
- What causes Alzheimer's disease?
- Why do more women suffer from the disease than men?
- What's the relationship between Alzheimer's disease and modern lifestyle?
- Is eating for Alzheimer's disease similar to any other diets?
- What kind of improvements can one expect from a change in diet?
- What are the most important foods to add?
- What are the most important foods to remove? Is minimizing effective
or is it important to exclude certain foods? - Are there any cooking techniques that are better for Alzheimer's support?
- Is intermittent fasting useful and effective for treatment, delaying,
or preventing Alzheimer's? - What about exercise and lifestyle? How do things outside of diet
compare when it comes to brain health? - Are there any great resources you recommend? Books? Organizations?
Cookbooks? Websites?
Annie Fenn Links and Resources
Annie Fenn with Superfood Salad from Pearl St Market. CREDIT: David J Swift
To sign up for a monthly newsletter about what's new in keeping our brains healthy (with recipes), register at BrainWorksKitchen.com
Photo credits David J Swift, unless otherwise noted.
Chewy Olive Oil Chocolate Chip Cookies
Originally made for the Hands-On Brain Works Cooking Class with visiting Chef Dr. Annie Fenn
Makes 18-24 cookies
- ¾ cup chickpea flour
- ¾ cup oat flour
- 1 tsp baking powder
- ¾ tsp kosher salt
- ½ tsp baking soda
- 1 cup coconut sugar
- ½ cup extra virgin olive oil
- 1 large egg
- 1 tsp. vanilla
- 6 oz chopped bittersweet chocolate (60-70%)
- A few pinches of pink Himalayan salt, or other flaky salt
In a large bowl, whisk together the flours, baking powder, salt and baking soda.
In a separate bowl, use an electric mixer to beat the sugar with the sugar and oil. Add the egg and the vanilla until combined.
Add chocolate and fold in with a rubber spatula.
Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour.
Preheat the oven to 350ºF and line two cookie sheets with parchment paper.
Using a tablespoon measure, scoop out the cookie dough and place on the prepared baking sheet, leaving 2 inches between cookies.
Bake for 16 to 18 minutes, or until slightly browned. Rotate pans midway through the cooking time.
Remove and sprinkle with salt.
Let the cookies cool for at least 15 minutes before serving.
Keys to success - Make sure the dough is thoroughly chilled. Resist the urge to make bigger than 1 tablespoon-sized cookies—they will spread and not longer be chewy!
Also, underbake slightly. Keep an eye on the cookies towards the end of the cooking time and pull them from the oven before you think they are done. They will continue to set up for a few minutes on the baking sheet.
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Our podcast theme music is "Protofunk" by Kevin MacLeod of incompetech.com. Licensed under Creative Commons 3.0.
Talk soon,
Roland & Galina